Saturday, 31 December 2016

Top Security Threats for New Year’s Eve

It seems like each and every year the Holidays are upon us faster and faster. You count down from ten to one and make a toast to the New Year and all of a sudden it’s Christmas time again. While the holidays are a time to rejoice, a time to celebrate peace and happiness and share some time with loved ones, the holidays can also be a dangerous time of year if certain precautions aren’t taken. It can be especially dangerous when it comes to New Year’s Eve, when so many people are gathered together to celebrate with each other in so many different places. Especially in a big metropolis like Miami or in many cities in South Florida where so many people take vacations to celebrate the holidays in style and ring in the New Year.

It is sad to say, but when people gather to celebrate in the modern world they are at risk. It only takes one look at people getting killed and assaulted at Holiday gatherings in places as populous as Paris and Berlin to understand the real and ever present dangers that exist in the modern world. There are crazed terrorists looking to find collections of westerners to make a statement, there are protesters looking to draw attention to their cause, and there are simply crowd issues involved when you get a tremendous amount of people together for any reason.

Especially when they are drinking and rowdy and celebrating, and nothing is more celebrated than the New Year’s, and there is no bigger partying holiday than New Year’s Eve!

This New Year’s Eve don’t take any chances with the security of your patrons, of attendees at your celebration, of the masses of people celebrating for countdown festivities, or with potential damage to your property if the mob gets out of control. There is no more unruly holiday than New Year’s Eve, and there is no area that gathers more people who like to kick back and relax than the Miami or Southern Florida region.

Fast Guard Service is the most respected armed security and professional security guard service in the entire region. If you have a New Year’s Eve party or celebration going on, are responsible for a nightclub or hot spot on New Year’s Eve, or just want to make sure that your property is safe and sound until the New Year comes to pass and are located in South Florida, Fast Guard Services are there to help. Whether you fear terrorist activities, need crowd control, or just need 24 hour property protection or highly trained armed security, Fast Guard Service provides an easy, effective affordable solution for all security needs.


Fast Guard Service

12355 W Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33161 USA


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Wednesday, 28 December 2016


Miami, FL— With so much unrest in our current world, security is extremely important. Organizations planning events that include large numbers of people gathering in one place certainly need to consider the type of event security they are going to hire to ensure the safety of every attendee. Whether it is a concert, a conference, or any other large event that will have a lot of people in attendance, providing security to deter any disaster or tragedy can prove to be of paramount importance.

Unfortunately, when organizations host large events, not everyone who attends them has the best of intentions. That’s why organizations are trusting companies like Fast Guard Service for their event security and armed security needs. Fast Guard Service provides clients with a superior service and unmatched experience protecting the widest range of clients, demonstrating why they are the preferred private security company of International Business Consultant Tony Robbins. The company has recently been hired for 24/7 security over his live shows that will be taking place in West Palm Beach and Boca Raton, Florida.

Tony Robbins VIP Security“I hired Fast Guard Security for the event and could not be more impressed,” a staff member said. “They were timely, friendly, and professional. With their 24/7 security, I didn’t have to worry about a thing during our week long event and knew everything would go off without a hitch—which, of course, it did.”

Fast Guard Service has earned a stellar reputation in the private security industry for its incredible nationwide service. They offer a guaranteed 4-hour response time, and 24/7 access to their live dispatchers, which helps clients to stay in the know and feeling safe and secure. Although the company operates nationwide, it is headquartered in the state of Florida and is widely known as the most professional, top security company available in the area. As Miami’s preferred security company, Fast Guard Service has always given clients assurance and peace of mind when they are present at events. Their timeliness, professionalism, and expertise gives both the event hosts and the attendees confidence in their security throughout the duration of any event.

As Tony Robbins #1 Choice for Private Security, Fast Guard Service is the preferred nationwide option for organizations and individuals looking for armed security to hire at any event or trade show they might be hosting.

Contact Name: Moise Louissant

Media Contact
Company Name: Fast Guard Service
Contact Person: Moise Louissant
Phone: 8442548273
Address:12355 W Dixie Hwy, 33161
City: Miami
State: Florida
Country: United States



Saturday, 24 December 2016

World Renowned Business Consultant Hires Fast Guard Service

Tony Robbins is one of the most famous motivational speakers and life coaches on the planet. He is known as the premier proponent of personal growth, and his books are best sellers, his television specials have been watched within. Who hasn’t heard the slogan ‘Unleash the power within’? Needless to say, when you are a star of this magnitude, when you are as widely recognizable as Tony Robbins is, getting around can be a bit of a hassle.


It is difficult for someone like Tony Robbins to go out to dinner, to simply go shopping or even to visit friends. High profile VIP’s can’t live normal lives and come and go as they please. The fact of that matter is, it can be dangerous for someone like Tony Robbins to do things each and every day that we might take for granted. Being rich, even when hard earned, and famous, even when you are a known philanthropist, has its price. VIPSecurity


There are, sadly, people in the world who are attracted to famous people like moths to a flame, for many reasons. Most are harmless, they just want to get an autograph or let someone like Marty know how he has positively affected their lives, but even that can be dangerous when crowds are attracted. Others, even though this constitutes a small percentage of people, can be quite dangerous to Mr. Robbins. There are some that are just crazy, some that are deranged and believe that hurting famous people will make them famous or quiet their inner demons, and some who would try and rob or even kidnap someone famous for money.


That is why, to an important and influential man like Tony Robbins, security is so important. Skilled VIP security and armed security guards can mean the difference between life and death to VIP’s, but almost as important, excellent, experienced VIP security and armed security can help VIP’s lead a more normal life, can help them come and go safely while they unobtrusively guard and stay out of the way. It takes great skill to skillfully protect while staying in the shadows, out of the way of the VIP that you are protecting.


That is why Tony Robbins recently hired renowned Fast Guard Service Armed Security for his stays in Boca Raton and West Palm Beach, the playground of the rich and famous. Fast Guard Service has a hard earned reputation as the best security firm in Southern Florida, and they are particularly known for their VIP services that they provide to the wealthy, famous and elite that visit South Beach, Boca, the Keys, Miami, and other fun and sun playgrounds throughout South Florida.


Anyone who requires skilled, experienced VIP security or armed security guards throughout Southern Florida can contact Fats Guard Service and put their fears to rest. Fast Guard Service specializes in providing effective, unobtrusive Event VIP security services, and is available to help 24 hours a day, seven days a week year round.

Fast Guard Service2355 W Dixie Hwy


2355 W Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33161 USA




Saturday, 17 December 2016

California Fire Watch Facts

Unfortunately, anyone who lives in the state of California understands the very serious nature of flash fires, wild fires and forest fires. Bakersfield and Fresno are two areas that have been affected by the threat of fire year after year after year. The air gets so dry certain times of the year all over California, then all it takes is a spark and BOOM, you have a raging, dangerous fire that can destroy vast areas, paralyze entire cities like Bakersfield and Fresno, and drive tens of thousands of people from their homes.

The danger of wildfires in California and in Bakersfield and Fresno are all too real. The devastation and damage year in and out in the state of California due to wildfires is staggering. Here are a few eye-opening statistics in regards to wildfires that have occurred in the state of California since only January of LAST YEAR, January 2015:

  • There have been nearly 10000 wildfires since January 1, 2015 in the state of California
  • Over 450,000 acres have been burned in that time frame
  • These statistics brought the 5 year average in California to over 4500 wildfires per year with over 160,000 acres destroyed each year.

There is no clearer evidence or illustration of the severity of the wildfire problem in the state of California than these sobering statistics. Anyone who owns property, lives in, or owns or manages a business in the Bakersfield or Fresno areas needs to prepare for the reality that wildfires can occur at any time. Wildfires will destroy homes, farms, livestock, parks, business, nature, human lives and anything else that gets into their paths. Wildfires are indiscriminate; they’ll destroy anything and everything.

Don’t let the threat of fire destroy your property or threaten you or those that you love. The best way to fight fires and the tragic damage that they cause are to prevent fires or to catch them and extinguish them before they get out of hand. Fire security can protect property and life from fire damage 24 hours a day, around the clock.

In Bakersfield and Fresno, or anywhere in California for that matter, Fast Guard Service is standing by and ready with the best fire watch security services that can be found in the industry. Fast Guard Service California is staffed by skilled, dependable, experienced fire security guards that will protect you, your loved ones and your property so that fire is one less thing you have to worry about.

Fast Guard Service
12355 W Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33161 USA


Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Holiday Security Tips For Boca Raton Home Owners

When it comes to the holiday season, every home owner has one major concern on their mind. Is my home safe? This is a very legitimate concern to have, but not only around this time of the year. You should be mindful of your homes, and families security year round.

Here are a few helpful home security tips:

When ever you leave your home, even if it’s just to go to the neighbors house; always lock your doors. This day and age your home can be vulnerable any time of the day. In addition to locking your doors and windows, it is advisable to consider installing deadbolts on any door accessible to the outside.

Look at your home from a burglars point of view. Walk the perimeter of your home with the mindset of finding any possible way you could get into your house without a key. This is a handy way of performing a simple security threat assessment on your property. Because if you can figure out a way into your home without a key, so can a burglar.

If you have sliding doors installed on the backside of your house for instance, leaving them unprotected is only asking for trouble. Use a stick, or something else sturdy, that can easily be set in the tracks of the door preventing it from opening.

The home security system is always a time honored tradition. With improvements in home security systems over the years, there are many new options available to new and long-time home owners. You can even find yourself a system that will allow you to monitor your home remotely, from computers, and most mobile devices. This is a great, and affordable solution to keep your home safe.

When if comes to home security, one of the most efficient methods comes in the form of “man’s best friend.” Families that have a dog are less likely to have a burglar enter their home, because the dog will more than likely scare them off.

Whichever method you chose to adopt, you should never slack on your Boca Raton home security. The best gift you can give your family is the gift of protection. After all, they are the most important things to you, and they should be treated as such.

Fast Guard Service
12355 W Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33161 USA


Top 5 reasons to hire armed security in the Orlando and Tampa area

Florida is a great state with fantastic weather most of the year round. For these reasons it is one of the biggest tourist destinations in the United States. On top of that, it’s one of the biggest and most populous states in the United States. Unfortunately where there are more people and where there is more to do, there are often more threats and potentials for disaster. That is why many cities in Florida have a constant need for security, armed security, and skilled, highly trained armed security guards.

Orlando and Tampa are no exceptions from the list of cities in Florida that have many reasons to hire armed security. The cities are known for sun and fun, Disney and Epcot, the Bucs and the Rays, but that also means many huge crowds and potential for accidents and violence. Let’s take a look at the top 5 reasons that armed security need to be hired in the Orlando and Tampa areas.


  1. Event security: As part of keeping tourists and local citizens entertained, there are many venues for large and small events in both Tampa and Orlando. From concerts to sporting events to comics and entertainers, any event where groups of people gather together need armed security to both keep control and to protect and serve.
  2. Crowd control: Once again when you have populous and popular areas like Tampa and Orlando, armed security guards are often needed to simply maintain crowd control. This could be used for Holidays, events like Black Friday, or even on movie sets.
  3. Protests: Unfortunately America is faced with a turbulent political period in her history. As protests pop up over things like elections, police brutality and inequality there is a serious need for armed security. Tempers can flare at these things all too quickly.
  4. Terrorism: It is a sad fact of modern society, but we are plagued by terrorism as a nation, and terrorists don’t target suburbs. They target densely populated areas that are highly visible. As Orlando and Tampa, being popular tourist destinations, fit both of these descriptions, armed security can be a must.
  5. Business/Attraction protection: This is not specifically an issue for Orlando and Tampa, but with crime these days, property and business security has become a huge issue. Anyone with customers to protect or a storefront to protect understands the need for armed security when it comes to protecting their livelihood.

 If you need armed security in the Tampa Bay or Orlando areas for ANY reason, Fast Guard Service is standing by to help. They have highly skilled, well strained armed security to suit any need, from crime prevention to crowd control to event security.

About the Company:

Fast Guard Service

6700 Silver Star Rd #101

Orlando, Florida 32818

(305) 981-0801


Sunday, 4 December 2016

Holiday Grinch Causes Security Concerns For Miami Businesses

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Happy Thanksgiving! These are all great sayings we hear during the holiday season, among others. It is a great time of year, a time celebrating peace and love. It is a festive time of year, once when families and friends gather to celebrate each other and all that they have and enjoy. It is a happy time of year, one that many look forward to each and every year!

Or at least it’s supposed to be. Unfortunately we live in a world filled with angry, crazy people, and the holidays often knock them turn Grinch. Instead of being the best time of the year, for some it can be a nightmare.

You see, the Holidays also bring holiday crowds, Black Friday and an intense shopping season that gets worse and worse year after year, and unfortunately in this day and age, threats of violence and terrorism. The holidays have also become a dangerous season, when we must be most vigilant to protect the innocent when they are gathering to celebrate peace and joy.

In the Miami region the need for event security increases greatly as the holiday season approaches and unfolds. With parades and sales and Santa Claus visiting malls and stores, there are tons of gatherings and mobs, putting all who attend at risk. Even shoppers can become dangerous at Christmas time. Ask anyone who has ever been involved in a Black Friday altercation. But Christmas events especially require event security, as thousands and thousands of people attend holiday events in Miami each and every year.

With children and families gathered to celebrate and enjoy, there is never a bigger need for event security during the holidays. Whether it is a simple Santa line for the kids, a large Christmas party or New Year’s Eve party or a Christmas parade, when people gather to celebrate in this day and age they must be protected, and crowd control must be maintained or tragedy may strike.

Fast Guard Service specializes in event security, and they are available to help with all security needs throughout the holiday season. Fast Guard Service maintains the best staff of armed security guards and event security specialists that can be found anywhere in the nation, let alone in the Miami region. If you have a holiday event planned in the Miami area, contact Fast Guard Service right away, so they can put their expertise to work protecting your patrons and your holiday event.

Fast Guard Service
12355 W Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33161 USA


Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Top 5 Reasons to Hire Armed Security in Kendall, Florida

As a part of the Greater Miami area, Kendall FL has a lot to offer residents and tourists. It has a great climate, is right near the ocean, and great proximity to Miami, the playground of the rich and famous. As it is such an attractive city, it also means that many people live there, visit, or travel through Kendall. This means that Kendall has a lot to offer, and also a whole lot to protect. That is why there is always a great need for skilled armed security in the Kendall area.

Fast Guard Service is the number one security service in the region. They only hire the best armed security guards that can be found, anywhere. Their armed security has real life experience in the protection and crime prevention industries, and Fast Guard Service takes great care to constantly train and update their extremely proficient armed security and their entire staff. Whatever your security needs may be in the Kendall area, Fast Guard Service is ready to help. Here is a list of the top 5 reasons you may need to hire armed security in the Kendal FL area:

  1. Property Protection: Kendall property values are among the highest in the nation, and their businesses are thriving. This means that the property in the area, commercial, retail or private, is worth protecting. Armed security can prevent theft, vandalism, and other acts of property destruction.
  2. Event Security: Whether it is a holiday parade or a simple public gathering or a concert, when masses of people get together, there is always the potential for danger to human life and property damage. Armed security will protect people and property and will also help maintain crowd control so that things don’t get out of hand.
  3. VIP Security: As Kendall is so close to Miami, which is the VIP playground of the nation, VIP security is a serious issue throughout the region. Skilled, proficient armed security can protect VIP’s and their party as they travel about, relax, and enjoy all that Florida has to offer.
  4. Nightclub Security: Again, as the region is known for its great entertainment and activities, nightclubs are often packed in the area. Armed security can protect the club from crazed attackers, which sadly happens in this day and age, and can keep the club hoppers in check so the crowd and the club remain safe.
  5. Holiday Security: While Holidays are great for celebrating and vacations, vacation and holiday destinations like Miami, and therefore Kendall, get quite populated very quickly. Armed security can help get protect businesses and events and tourists and citizens during the holidays.

So if you’re worried about your holiday safety and live in the Kendall area give Fast Guard Service a call, they offer the best-armed security services in Kendall, Florida.


Fast Guard Service
12355 W Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33161 USA


Monday, 21 November 2016

As Black Friday Approaches Orlando & Miami Area Stores Increase Security

Every year it seems to get worse and worse, the violence that surrounds Black Friday and the mayhem that has become the number one shopping day in America. We see it year after year, trampling at Wal-Mart over the new Xbox, lines and aggravated customers getting in scuffles over the latest toy for their kid that they have waited in line hours of even days for. Black Friday has become an ugly day, filled with masses of overwhelming people and flashes of violent outbursts at malls, plazas and stores.

As scary as it sounds, even though it ‘Tis the season to be jolly,’ there have been 7 deaths and 98 injuries attributed to Black Friday shopping events since 2006. There are even Black Friday death and injury counters that are easy enough to find on the Internet. But if you own or run a store, or manage a mall or a plaza, Black Friday shopping and the potential injuries and law suits that come with it are no cheerful or laughing matter at all.

That is why so many retails employ extra expert outside security for Black Friday and the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas that marks the sometimes brutal holiday shopping season. Protecting customers, controlling massive unwieldy crowds, and even protecting your storefront from crazed customers fighting for the last available Cabbage Patch Doll is a serious issue in today’s world, and it cannot be taken lightly.

If you have or run a store, shop, mall, or retail space in or around the Orlando or Miami Florida areas, Fast Guard Service can help you control the mayhem on Black Friday and beyond, throughout the entire holiday shopping season. Fast Guard Service offer premiere retail and wholesale from security, with the very best armed, trained security guards that can be found in the Orlando and Miami areas.

Fast Guard Service spares no expense when it comes to training their skilled Orlando armed security guards in all the latest, safest crowd control methods. Their security forces are available for short term deployment or for long term crowd control, based on your needs. But come this Black Friday, when you most need crowd control that is effective, make no mistake that Fast Guard Service can help your business with all its security needs.

This Holiday season make sure that the crowds that visit your store or stores are safe from other customers, and that your property is also safe from crazed crowds. Don’t gamble with your property or with the safety of your customers. Protect your stores, your goods and your hard earned customers on Black Friday and throughout the holiday shopping season with Fast Guard Service.

Fast Guard Service
12355 W Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33161 USA


Saturday, 19 November 2016

Solutions For Movie Set Security in Miami and Los Angeles


There’s nothing more exciting than being on a motion picture set, watching the magic happen while it’s being filmed. Whether it’s a big budget Hollywood film or a plucky Independent, film sets attract attention. The lights, the glamorous actors and actresses, people want to see it, to watch it, to be a part of the filmmaking process. But not all attention is good attention.

Some people, no matter how disturbing it sounds, just want to threaten it or destroy it. Hollywood and the Film industry have become a symbol of the American way of life. Many enemies and people who wish to terrorize Americans see movies as threats, and so film sets can become a natural target for them. That is one reason why armed security on movie sets is a must in today’s world.

What about paparazzi? How many violent incidents have erupted over paparazzi in recent years? Celebrity photographers get overzealous, hover around movie sets, and even try and sneak in or break their way into film sets. Armed security guards, effective, well-trained security used to working on movie sets, can handle paparazzi with ease. What about the next, crazier level, one that is even worse than paparazzi, crazed fans and stalkers?

Unfortunately there have been too many incidents of stalkers in recent years, from John Hinkley Jr, fixating on Jodie Foster to the psychopath that took poor Dominique Dunne’s life at far too early an age. Simply put, movie sets need to be secure, and this means that armed guards and experienced, tough, disciplined security guards need to be on the set. Whether it is to protect actors from stalkers or paparazzi or the whole crew from too many onlookers or dangerous people with bad intentions, armed security is a must for modern day film sets.

Most people think of Hollywood when they think of movie sets, but more films are shot outside of Hollywood than inside the entertainment capital today. Even big budget Hollywood films go on location to shoot portions of their movies. So there are movie sets all over the country, especially in sunny, popular Miami, Florida.

Fast Guard Service specializes in protecting and securing movie sets Miami and all across the State of Florida. Fast Guard Service staffs film sets with experienced armed guards and security guards, armed guards that have worked on and around film and television sets before. They understand the need to be unobtrusive, to stay out of the way and quiet, yet they know how to handle any security issue, from paparazzi to stalkers or simple crowd outbursts that get out of control. If you’re filming any type of show or movie in Florida, contact Fast Guard Service and have your miami movie set security needs filled by the best in the business.

About the company:

Fast Guard Service
12355 W Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33161 USA


Thursday, 10 November 2016

Concealed Permit Applications Surge After Trump Protests

After hearing of riots all across the country, more and more people are applying for concealed weapons permits across the United States, but especially in the great state of Florida and in the Deep South. With the prospects of riots, mass violence and even terrorism facing all citizens each and every day, just watch the news or read a newspaper, most people don’t feel safe anymore, and for good reason. Concealed weapons permits allow people to protect themselves, those they love and their property in the best way possible, with a licensed, legal handgun that can be carried around legally for protection.

Being able to carry again and protect your person, your rights, your freedom, your loved ones and your belongings is the American way. We are granted the right to bear arms in the constitution for these very reasons. But for many important and wise reasons, even in America you can’t just go into a store, buy a gun and carry it around. This would be an extremely dangerous situation, if any and every one could simply buy a gun and carry it around and use the weapon without understanding the dangers and responsibility of such a right.

That’s why in Florida you have to attain a concealed weapons permit, so that you can prove that you understand the serious nature of carrying and using a handgun, so that it is legally apparent that you have been taught the proper ways to use and protect your weapon, and so that it is apparent that you understand the serious responsibilities of carrying a concealed weapon.

If you want to pass the test to get a concealed weapons permit in the state of Florida, you have to take a concealed weapons permit class. A concealed weapons permit class, if taught by an accredited authority, will teach you how to safely and expertly use and take care of a handgun, so that you and those you love stay safe. A concealed weapons permit class, when taught by weapons and security experts, will help teach you all of the safety rules and regulations that you must know in order to attain a concealed weapons permit in Florida. It will also give you peace of mind when it comes to keeping, maintaining and using a handgun.

If you live in the Miami area or South Florida, Fast Guard Service offers excellent, accredited concealed weapons permit classes. These classes are mandatory if you want to attain a Florida concealed weapons permit. Fast Guard Service offer handgun classes and concealed weapons permit classes miami that will teach you everything you need to know to not only attain a concealed weapons permit in the State of Florida, but to safely and expertly handle a handgun as well.

Fast Guard Service
12355 W Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33161 USA


Sunday, 30 October 2016

Hillary and Trump Supporter Face Off Causing Security Concerns

Hillary and Trump Supporters Have Caused an Unprecedented Need for Armed Security at American Political Rallies and Elections


It is election season once again, it seems the endless campaigning and political rhetoric never ends, but then again that is a part of what makes America great. We are a free society, free to choose whomever we deem best suited to lead our cities, states and country as we see fit. It is the Democratic process that makes the United States the oldest existing form of government, and still the best country on the planet. Yet each and every election season it seems like none of us get along.

There’s infighting and name calling, back stabbing, exaggerations, and constant gamesmanship, and that is just how the political candidates themselves act. The campaigns, parties, voters and party members are far worse than the candidates. This year seems to be a landmark in how low and dirty campaigns can go. There is no doubt whatsoever that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, the Democratic and Republican nominees for President of the United States accordingly, have the country more worked up and more divided than ever.

Look at all of the violent outbreaks and protests at rallies already this year. The violence at the Trump rallies in Chicago and California were no exception, this has been one of the most fiercely, hotly contested campaigns and election seasons in modern U.S. History. Armed security and seasoned security guards are paramount to crowd safety at political events and elections this election cycle.

More so than ever before, as the political rhetoric has spawned violence at simple rallies and around debates and party meetings, these elections need to be more secure than ever. Armed skilled security guards, practiced, and election security must be taken advantage of to maintain the peace and make certain that American citizens safely have the ability to claim their right to free speech and their right to vote.

It only takes one enraged idiot to ruin a whole rally, debate or election. Armed security, policing the scene of any rally or political rally, can quell any potential issue before it even occurs. In South Florida, especially the Miami area, make certain everyone has the chance to claim their constitutionally guaranteed rights safely and securely. Contact Fast Guard Service in the Florida region today for your executive protection.

 Fast Guard Service provides armed security specialists in and around Miami, South Florida, Greater Florida and the Pan Handle region. Fast Guard Service offers a highly trained, experienced staff filled with seasoned armed security, election security and event security guards. Fast Guard Service specializes in making sure any public events, but especially public events like political events that can get heated, run smoothly and safely.

About the company:

Fast Guard Service
12355 W Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33161 USA

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Tuesday, 25 October 2016

The Recent Rash of School Violence Means Armed Security Are Needed At College Events

What do Virginia Tech, Columbine, Sandy Hook and too many other schools all have in common? They are all schools or areas with schools that have been plagued by a growing rash of school violence, one that endangers the lives of innocent students. Forget the idea of mass violence, a reality with so many school shootings today, but simply look at the fact that sports events, concerts and other school gatherings can be inherently dangerous on their own.

Take a look at the Texas Aggie Bonfire incident in 1999 that killed twelve people. Large events can be dangerous. For this reason, and for the simple fact that we live in a much crueler world today than we used to, event security should be on site at and school event, concert, sports event or gathering. It is simply one gathering we cannot take for granted. When it comes to the youth of the nation, hiring skilled armed security is a step that simply must be taken.

Cutting corners on college and school security in modern times is negligence, and if something goes wrong, which the above examples show can easily happen, it is a mistake that one cannot go back and fix. Once the damage is done you cannot undo it. Fast Guard Service provides armed security specialists in and around Miami and Florida. Fast Guard Service maintains a skilled, experienced staff of capable armed security and event security guards. Their training never ends as tactics never end adapting. Fast Guard Service specializes in college events, college sporting events, school events and concerts.

When hundreds or even thousands of college or teen-aged students gather to relax and let it all hand out, things can get rowdy fast. Armed security at these events protect innocent students from dangers inside the student body and out, maintaining peace and safety so that students and kids can enjoy themselves and have a good time. Students should be able to blow off some steam during a long grueling school year, they just have to be protected, safe and secure when they do.

Take the upcoming event the FIU Music Festival being held at FIU (Florida International University) . Thousands of happy, energetic FIU students will flock to see various local artists sing and perform and re-mix, partying and enjoying a well-deserved night out. But can you see how dangerous that can be. All those kids gathered, letting off steam? All those people gathered together in one place on a big campus? That is why excellent armed security is so important at school gatherings and events. Discover how Fast Guard Service can protect your event, trade show, or concert. Call us for all your private security needs.

About the company:

Fast Guard Service
12355 W Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33161 USA


Thursday, 20 October 2016

Event Security Beefed Up Ahead of Miami Adele Concert

Just take one look at news headlines on any given week and you’ll quickly see the need for skilled, effective event security in the modern world. It’s sad but it’s true, you can hardly gather people for a small office party without needing trained, armed event security for you to feel a sense of safety and security for yourself and your loved ones. In fact, the recent tragedy in San Bernardino occurred just last year at a small office Christmas party. How many lives could have been saved or how many injuries prevented had quality event security or armed guards or skilled armed security been there beforehand, watching everything, on the job protecting innocent people getting together to enjoy themselves?

Look at the devastation that took place there, and that was just a small event. What happens when thousands of people gather, or tens of thousands gather to enjoy entertainment or a sporting event? Without skilled, capable event security on the scene, policing and protecting, a violent incident could quickly become a tragic nightmare. There are plenty such events, large and small, all over Southern Florida, especially in and around Miami and the South Beach region where nightlife is King.

Take the acclaimed, extremely popular singer Adele. She has a huge upcoming concert on October 25th at the American Airlines Arena in Miami. Many thousands of people will be there, gathered to enjoy Adele’s talent and have a great, unforgettable time. Thousands will be singing along to Home Town Glory and Rumour Has It, enjoying a live performance by a one of a kind voice.

This is exactly the type of innocent, enjoyable event, a mass gathering of citizens having a great time, that offers a prime target for the bad elements that unfortunately exist in today’s world. While the bad element is made up of only a small percentage of society, it only takes a few dangerous individuals to turn an excellent public event like an Adele concert into a disaster or a tragedy. But qualified, skilled event armed security in miami will make sure that doesn’t happen. Experience, well-trained event security allows a concert to be just that, an enjoyable gathering that people will never forget for all the right reasons, not all the wrong ones.

Fast Guard Service is the premier event security specialists in the Miami and Southern Florida region. Fast Guard Service provides unparalleled event security as they are staffed by the capable armed security and event security guards in the business. If you have an event, don’t leave your security and the safety of your all-important guests to chance, contact Fast Guard Service today.

About the company:

Fast Guard Service
12355 W Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33161 USA


Friday, 14 October 2016

Demand for Movie Set & Event Security on the Rise

With the film industry in Florida being one the largest in the US, filmmakers turn to private security teams for their movie set protection.The overwhelming success of this industry is the reason for the demand for movie set security increases in Miami, Florida and Los Angeles, California. The opportunity has led to the mushrooming of many security firms in Miami, Florida that offer Movie set security.

Fast Guard Service is the leading movie set security service provider in Miami & Los Angeles. We offer highly trained and specialized professional guards with years of military experience. We work behind the scenes in the protection of your crew and film site, you can be rest assured that your assets will remain safe with our help. We are world known for our strict compliance with safety regulations, privacy and integrity. We offer non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements ensuring the safety of the production as well as the confidentiality and safety of the sets crew. We train the best movie set security guards Miami has to offer just to provide you with the security you need when you need it.

Fast Guard Service’s movie set security personnel are trained to handle:

Crowd control

Sometimes you may get much unwanted attention during the shoot, and our guys will readily step in and control the crowds so you can do whatever you do best, shoot a movie. Other clients need protection during promotional tours, and our guards are up to the task.
Film and television guards

Whether you are a movie producer or TV studio filming shows, we have the right men for the  job. Our highly trained guards know just what is expected of them and will not get in the way and our guaranteed to keep vigilant watch over the entire site to ensure your security and integrity is not compromised.

Close protection personnel

We offer personal guards for the close protection of your cast to make sure they are not harmed before or during the shoot. Protecting your asset from all forms of sabotage is our priority at Fast Guard Service.

Traffic controllers

We help to implement traffic management plans, diverting all foot and vehicle traffic from the site where you are shooting for minimal interruptions. We will help you direct vehicular traffic in and out of the movie set security area where the traffic is narrowed or reduced to avert any mishaps and incidents while the shoot is in progress.

Security drivers and Escorts

We offer these services for your cast and crew to safeguard them against any threat that they may be faced with. We can provide personnel to double as drivers and security to ensure that your cast is escorted to their hotel rooms and back during the entire period as needed.
Film transport integrity

It is imperative that the film you are shooting remains in safe hands. Here at Fast Guard Service, we are committed to ensuring that your film’s integrity is never compromised at any time during the shoot or after the shoot, nor during transport. You can trust Fast Guard Service for all your movie set security needs.

About the company:

Fast Guard Service
12355 W Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33161 USA


8 Qualities of a Superior Security Guard Company

Security companies in Orlando, FL are rampant, and we’re calling that a good thing. The more security services we have to compete against, the higher we must raise our standards and the better we must perform. Fast Guard Service didn’t become the best security service without a fight, and we plan to protect its superior position by continuing to our job better than anyone.

Fast Guard Service, a fully licensed private security and protection agency, provides the best Orlando security services by remaining loyal to its brand values. Commitment to responsiveness, diligence and professionalism consistently leads Fast Guard Service to the top and leave customers safe, satisfied and rebooking.

Let’s take a look at what else puts Fast Guard Service on top:

  1. Power: A position as the top security guard company grants the power to act fast to real-time events.
  2. Vision: Owned and operated by certified law enforcement officers, Fast Guard Service knows exactly how to handle situations depending on client and case.
  3. Consistency: A team with strong communication, service is employed across multiple locations to keep any sized operation in safe motion.
  4. Cost Efficiency: Don’t break your back trying to ensure your security. Fast Guard Service makes it affordable to hire the best, allowing the team even more bandwidth and experience.
  5. Integrity: Teamwork, experience, accountability and innovation push security services to the top. The team remains loyal to these virtues every step of the way and their commitment to the process carries through in results every time.
  6. Quality: Fast Guard Service is dedicated to pursuing new and innovative paths of technology and processes to exceed customer expectations. The team runs through every option of execution, expands and innovates whenever possible to make sure their security will be buttoned up and top of the line.
  7. Safety: Although it seems like a given for a security and protection agency, Fast Guard Service brings the safety in house. Employees are respected, encouraged to continue learning and always have access to emerging tools, information and insights in the industry.
  8. Professionalism: Fast Guard Service continues to practice loyalty to its professional services by seeking new cost structures, refined processes and new, superior methods of security.

When searching for your armed security guard miami, transporters and other security service needs, be sure to do your research. Find out which services best match your needs and which companies can best ensure your satisfaction. Fast Guard Service is the best in the business and we look forward to proving that to you.

About the company:

Fast Guard Service
12355 W Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33161 USA


Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Armed Security Miami - Fast Guard Service

Watch video on YouTube here:

After Hurricane Matthew Leaders Look to Armed Security in Miami

Hurricane Matthew is fast approaching and Fast Guard is ready for to provide the community with post hurricane armed security. Fast Guard Service is the #1 choice for businesses looking to protect their property after major hurricanes and disasters. We provide our customers with quality world class security solutions including armed security and unarmed security protection and patrol. It is our core values that guide us to keep on giving the better service than any other security guard companies in Miami. At Fast Guard Service, we have maintained the largest and most highly trained professional security guards Miami has to offer.
Below are some of the benefits you enjoy by hiring Miami’s finest armed security guards; the reason why Fast Guard Service is the #1 choice for businesses and residents of Miami-Dade County.

•Quick response

Our ability to respond quickly to your call is the reason why we are the best service provider. We can have our teams dispatched to your location as soon as you need them to live to our motto, to provide you the security you need when you need it the most.

•Nationwide and International dispatch

Wherever you are in the US and abroad we are able to go with you. We understand that customers are always on the move and that they will need a team ready to provide them with 24 hour protection.

•We offer 24 hr. protection

Threats to your security can happen at any time which is why we work around the clock to provide you with a service you can rely on regardless of what time it is.

•Well equipped

We have armed and unarmed guards to keep watch at every event you can think as well as a fleet of well manned patrol vehicles to escort VIPs and celebrities all around the city and in the United States.


We are a legitimate business accredited and licensed to provide private security services in Miami, the US and internationally.


We are the security guard companies that our clients will recommend that you trust. As we have demonstrated during the period we have worked for our clients, we have the skills to actually counter and neutralize threats that we claim we can.

•Years of experience

Over the years we have gained invaluable experience from handling and managing the security of thousands of events and dealing with hundreds of clients. We have used these to improve our services to where they are now, the top.

•Reliable armed security guards Miami

If you give us a call you can count on us to provide quality services anytime anywhere within our reach.


After a disaster strikes give Fast Guard Service a call, we will provide you with armed security miami and be there for you to protect your property or business. We guarantee a security consultant will be dispatched to your location in under 2 hours.

About the company:

Fast Guard Service
Moise Loussaint
12355 W Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33161


Monday, 3 October 2016

Security Guards Training in High Demand as Classes Fill up

The rising demand for security guard training can be attributed to the numerous events developing all over the world. Job openings are coming up every other day for professional licensed and accredited private security personnel. These lucrative jobs have become a source of income for thousands of family men across the US. More and more people are starting to realize that training as security guards can improve their standard of living; it is no wonder that the Fast Guard Service Security Guard training is in high demand as classes fill up.

The powerhouse Fast Guard Service is a force to be reckoned with in offering quality security guards training. Fast Guard Service specializes in unarmed and armed security miami, Below are some reasons why you need to enroll in our training to become an employable professional security guard.

Reasons why security guards training is in high demand:

Awareness of risks

It is impossible for someone to protect themselves or others from risks that they have not learned to identify. Enrolling with Fast Guard Service’s security guard training will offer you the opportunity to get to identify and counter physical and terrorist threats out in the field. Nowadays, things have changed and an armed presence is needed to ward off criminals and those wanting to do harm.

Security Guard Employability

With each certificate and license acquired by Fast Guards’s training, you will be a lot more employable and ready to work in the emerging private security guard field. If your job security is important to you, then our security guard training is your opportunity to secure your career and financial future.

Complying with state regulations

All security personnel are required by local and state law to undergo basic training to increase awareness of your job duties and to be trained well enough to safeguard the public against obvious threats. Most businesses will only hire licensed guards and thus it is imperative that you enroll in our Class D course to comply with the State’s requirements.

Trust of client

Clients always seek to hire security personnel they can trust not only to provide the best counter action in case of a threat but also to keep valuables from being stolen. This kind of trust that you get when you tell a client you have trained with Fast Guard Service is irreplaceable. Fast Guard Service is an agency respected all over the world.

Loyalty of clients

Clients require complete discretion to avoid leaking of sensitive information about their businesses to the press or competitors. They are thus loyal to Fast Guard Service and believe in the quality of our trainees to keep their businesses protected against this kind of breach in information security.

Learn to work with latest security tech toys & firearms

Learn to use state of the art security equipment with Fast Guard Service’s security guards training.

Fast Guard Service is a world leader in armed and unarmed private security. Our consultants are certified police officers and ex-militay with a passion to serve and protect their clients. Our Class D training miami classes are State complaint and available when you need it.

Fast Guard Service

12355 W Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33161




Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Protests and Riots Cause Business Owners to Turn to Private Armed Security for Safety

Baltimore… Charlotte… Ferguson… Presidential Election Rallies… Sadly the list goes on and on, the ever growing list of all the cities and places devastated by riots and protests that turn violent in a flash. Business owners everywhere are stricken with panic and fear every time an arrest or a potential instance of police brutality makes the news. No city is safe. No community is safe. No business is safe.

These explosions of violence, riots with businesses being looted, rampaging fires and arson swallowing entire blocks, are happening more frequently, and they’re happening all over the country. The United States hasn’t seen this much Civil Unrest in decades, maybe ever. Who is to say if and when the cycle of violence will stop spreading, or where it will hit next.

Is your city or community next in line for protests, riots and violent behavior? Is your business safe or protected? More and more business owners are turning to armed security guards and armed security services to help protect their businesses and their livelihood. Fast Guard Service

Protects businesses and business owners in Miami and the Southern Florida region, from any and all destruction, protest related or not. Fast Guard Service offers the most capable armed security and armed security services anywhere, and they can protect your business during any type of civil unrest.

How many business owners in Baltimore or Los Angeles wish they had hired skilled, trained armed security like Fast Guard Service provides, before the riots broke out and destroyed their livelihood. The only way to truly protect your business in the face of an angry mob like the streets of Ferguson saw for days is with effective, skilled armed security services like those at Fast Guard Service.

Don’t wait until AFTER the unrest spreads through your city and it’s too late. You can’t protect your business after it’s been destroyed, looted or burned to the ground. Sadly too many business owners today in too many cities can testify to this fact. If you are a business owner in Miami or a surrounding area or in South Florida contact Fast Guard Service today to see how you can be proactive protecting your business with highly trained, experienced armed security guards and armed security services. Your business and your livelihood will be safer and better off for it. It is better to be prepared for such a catastrophe, for such a tragedy, than to try and put the pieces back together after the fact. Fast Guard Service provides highly trained armed & unarmed security guards for hire in under 4 hours guaranteed. Call us now.

About the company

Fast Guard Service

Moise Loussaint



12355 W Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33161




Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Private Security Consultants Find Renewed Interest Nationwide

In the private security business, it’s important private security companies supply adequate training for their employees. It is only fair that the clients paying for their services receive the protection they are seeking.

A recent incident in Austin, Texas has shed light on the conduct of private security contractors and has even brought to light the idea of a cardinal rule in the private security industry. 

In this case, there was a car burglary at a local apartment complex. Like most well-managed apartment complexes there was a security guard on duty. The car burglar fled the scene when he was spotted and that’s when the security guard broke code. He chased after him off the property. 

The outcome of the situation was why the incident received a good amount of media coverage. A police officer was shot, the burglar was gunned down, and a security guard was involved in aiding local law enforcement. 

Regardless of the outcome and the fact that the security guard is now looked at as a hero, the cardinal rule was broken. 

The Cardinal Rule you ask. DON’T EVER LEAVE YOUR POST.

When it comes to private security, a private security contractor isn’t paid to protect society, rather he or she is paid to protect a piece of property, an item, or an event. In this instance, leaving the scene left the apartment complex vulnerable to other breaches. 

So in the event you are looking to hire private security contractors or the service of a private security company make sure you do your research. Here are a list of tips to help you through the process: 

  1. Research reviews 

What better way to get to know a company than reading reviews by past or present employees. Glassdoor provides a great platform that allows for just this. By reading these key insights you will have a better feel for the company and how it stacks up against other private security companies. For contractors, looking for testimonials or reaching out to past clients to get a recommendation will help you in your decision process.

  1. Read about their policies

Companies should do a good job of laying out their company policies and code of conduct on their website. By reading this you will be reassured that in the event something does go wrong you will know they will handle it in a professional manner. 

  1. Look into how their contractors/employees are hired

Most companies will post their requirements for future employees or future work. Those requirements should include some sort of formal training and/or a training academy and most importantly a drug screening process. 

  1. What is their expertise

There are several levels of private security and you want to make sure you hire the right company. For example, there are companies that specialize in combat and are licensed to carry automatic weapons. You’d hate to hire them for a private party.   

So when you are looking to hire your next private security company or private security contractor don’t sweat it. Take your time, do your research, and make sure they understand the Cardinal Rule.

About the company

Fast Guard Service
12355 W Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33161




Monday, 26 September 2016

Private Investigators Catch Cheaters in the Act

If you are feeling unsure about your partner or spouse’s faithfulness, running an infidelity investigation can help qualm your fears or catalyze honestly and place solutions into motion. Infidelity investigations can be as hands on or off as you prefer and those being watched are never put in harm’s way. The private investigators for hire at Fast Guard Service Miami, FL will work with you to determine the extent of the investigation you want and the lengths to which your investigative team will go.

If you are seriously thinking about hiring a PI to determine if your partner is a cheater, consider these rules of thumb before hiring:

Take note of decreased intimacy in your relationship.

For example, notice if your partner is less intimate with you or appears (say in dress or hygiene) to be prepping for intimacy elsewhere.

Do not confront your partner about the suspicion.

In the event that the disloyalty leads to legal action, it will be imperative that you have proof. If you tip off your partner, they might be able to evade the investigation and or the private investigator.

Write down their excuses.

Why can’t they go to events? Why are you continually uninvited in their plans?

Gather evidence.

Whenever possible, collect credit card statements, pay stubs or email messages. These might contradict a later hypothetical story and can be presented as convincing evidence against their case.

If these factors begin to shape up as a case against your partner and you either need more convincing or hard evidence for a legal case, this is how an investigator will help you:

Your Private Investigator will be licensed and experienced. This ensures the use (usually) of evidence obtained and measures taken to get it. You can also trust that your PI will be discreet and safe.

Your PI should have experience with spousal infidelity and investigation discovery. You want someone who can read tell tale signs of a cheating partner and call their next shots to catch them in the act.

Your Private Investigator will implement the following surveillance techniques to serve you and your case:

  1. Physical surveillance
  2. Decoys
  3. Social network investigation
  4. GPS tracking
  5. Hidden cameras
  6. Internet monitoring

Your PI should offer you a competitive price for their experience and proven track record.

Your PI will be fully committed to your investigation and will expect the same from you. Compliance and discretion will be necessary from your end for the desired result.

When you’re ready to hire a private investigator miami for infidelity, contact Fast Guard Service. We look forward to helping you find answers and move onto your next phase of life.


Friday, 23 September 2016

Fire Watch Services Increase in California

If you are wondering whether or not your business might need Fire Watch or Fire Protection Services, the first order of business is to properly define exactly what those services entail…

What Exactly is a Fire Watch?

In short, a Fire Watch is a provisional arrangement in which a person or person physically checks buildings and/or other property for extreme fire hazard situations. Fire Watches are normally conducted when the probabilities of a fire-related incident are high. For example, anytime that ‘hot work’ construction processes are taking place on-site (common ‘hot work’ processes are welding, soldering, flame-cutting, riveting and brazing). Another typical ‘high-probability’ example would be in the case of malfunctioning alarm and/or sprinkler systems.

What do Fire Watch Teams Do?

The duties of Fire Watch personnel may vary between jobs and location sites, but there are basic tasks that come with each position. In the course of their duties, Fire Watch personnel, (who are familiarized with the layout), will check all exits and fire extinguishers. They will have on their person, the materials necessary to execute a fast evacuation and to notify any other occupants in the event of a fire. In most cases, Fire Watch personnel would also carry a portable horn, a flashlight, a full all-access set of keys to the premises, writing materials and a copy of their specific duties.

When are Fire Watches Conducted?

Whether in 15-minute increments or on the hour, Fire Watch rounds are conducted on a regular basis and a log is kept recording each round. Accepted entries include the address of the facility, start and end times for the round, names of the Fire Watch personnel and entries for any communication that occurred between Fire Watch personnel and either the fire department or the Department of Public Safety. Fire Watch personnel should also wear (at all times) a clearly visible form of identification (such as a vest or hat). In many cases, Fire Watch personnel may work in concert with municipal or volunteer fire departments.

What Fire Watch Teams Don’t Do

The marching orders for a given Fire Watch team may vary from site to site (and from state to state) but most Fire Watch personnel are given clear instruction not to extinguish a fire unless it is clearly safe for them to do so, (or unless they have been expressly instructed or given permission to do so). In general, Fire Watch personnel should not attempt any tasks that could not be completed safely by the average citizen.

So Does My Business Need Fire Watch Service or Not?

Now that you know what Fire Watch Services are, (whether you are a commercial real estate owner, a property manager or any other type of potential customer), if you’re still asking yourself whether or not you need Fire Watch Services, chances are you probably do.
As we have said, Fire Watch Services are typically needed when a building either has a fire alarm that is down or a sprinkler system that is malfunctioning. We talked a little about ‘hot work’ as well, but other reasons might include a burglar alarm or an access control system that is malfunctioning, or in response to power outages related to a natural disaster. If you are still unsure whether or not you actually need Fire Watch Services, you can contact your local fire marshal. Give them a brief description of your scenario and ask if you should schedule a Fire Watch.

About the company

Fast Guard Service
12355 W Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33161


Also providing Fire Watch Services in: California, Texas, New York and Nationwide.

The post Fire Watch Services Increase in California appeared first on Fast Guard-Advanced Security, Bodyguard, Fire Watch Services Miami FL.


Thursday, 22 September 2016

Top 3 Tips For Retail Security

Job one for any retail business owner is profit. Making money usually is the main reason you got into this business in the first place. But if you stop and think about it, you’ll realize that having retail security for your store is as important to the bottom line as the inventory you carry.

Theft is a problem. Shoplifting generally and organized retail theft specifically, account for $30 billion dollars a year in losses according to statistics supplied by the FBI. However, these grim numbers don’t mean retail shop owners need to accept these losses on their balance sheets without a fight. Here are a few things that you can do to keep your retail shop as safe as possible from theft.

1.Change Your Layout.

Many shop owners place their inventory according to what sells and how much of it they can source, but retail security companies will tell you there’s another factor to consider. For example, if a certain product is placed above or below eye level is tempting to thieves. In a best case scenario, nothing you have for sale should be in a blind spot where you can’t keep an eye on it. For example, if you have a kiosk set up, you should include shelving so products are always visible.

2.Get Electronic Eyes Working For You.

Although a mock security camera can do some good as an important tool for retail security, there’s really no substitute for the real thing. There’s a lot to choose from here including wired and wireless connections to keep your property safe and watched over. Shop owners who have smaller retail outlets can even place a series of strategic cameras inside around storerooms and backdoors and choose an app that can sync everything to their smartphones. The latest video surveillance technology can even help you identify spots that need to be bolstered up with better security before there’s a problem.

3.Choosing retail security companies.

Although making eye contact with customers and having a staff that is otherwise trained to be friendly and courteous is a great deterrent, there’s really no substitute for hiring security professionals. Properly trained security guards are the proven best deterrent to organized retail theft.  The best professional security services will hire well-trained experts or offer courses themselves so that you can rest assured your property or retail outlet is being watched by experts who act as excellent deterrents. Look for a company that can handle a variety of different services ranging from commercial and retail to private bodyguards and security for events.

Getting good retail security needs to be just as much a part of your business thinking as product cycles and inventory. Changing computer passwords as well as the codes to alarm systems and rekeying locks after employees leave for other jobs are also excellent ideas to make sure your security level stays high. Installing alarms on doors and windows is another excellent suggestion.

About the company
Fast Guard Service
12355 W Dixie Hwy
Miami, FL 33161

The post Top 3 Tips For Retail Security appeared first on Fast Guard-Advanced Security, Bodyguard, Fire Watch Services Miami FL.


Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Monday, 19 September 2016

are you suspicious of infidelity? Speak with an #privateinvestigator today! 1-844-254-8273 #fastguardservice

from Twitter

September 19, 2016 at 09:40AM

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Don't become a statistic. Get your Concealed Weapons Permit through Fast Guard Service. #thegame #concealedweapons

from Twitter

September 17, 2016 at 09:44PM

Miami-Dade Police Searching For Missing Mother | NBC 6 South Florida #fastguardservice #privateinvestigarors

from Twitter

September 17, 2016 at 05:22PM

#miamihurricanesfootball #dwaynejohnson #therock #ballers #fastguardservice #securityguardsmiami #vipbodyguards

from Twitter

September 17, 2016 at 10:43AM

Friday, 16 September 2016

Wednesday, 14 September 2016


The post PRESS RELEASE LINKS appeared first on Fast Guard-Advanced Security, Bodyguard, Fire Watch Services Miami FL.
